I contacted the experts of Manmachine Solutions for corporate cleaning services one year ago. I have not been able to leave their service since their first visit to my office. The cleaning professionals of Manmachine provide unparalleled service with their attention to minute details. I have received a variety of floor cleaning services through this organization. The cleaning experts also look after my employees’ health through their air-duct cleaning and steam toilet cleaning services. Manmachine Solutions rightfully deserves the crown of ‘Best’.
Floor Cleaning:
The cleaning experts visited my office to check the type of flooring before making any cleaning-plan. The floors of my office have designer terrazzo tiles with glass and marble chips. These tiles received regular moping with cleaning solutions and water. I am fastidious about cleanliness. I started noticing dirt build-up on the tiles, grout-lines and around the corners. The experts suggested polishing and buffing of the floors for stain removal.
- The cleaning experts vacuumed the floor to remove any loose dirt particle before buffing.
- They used a rotary floor machine to remove the stains and polish the tiles. This electric machine had a large polishing pad containing microscopic elements of diamonds.
- The rotary machine had a tank parched onto the rotary head to hold water mixed cleaning solution. This tank automatically dispensed a certain amount of cleaning solution into the diamond pad. The cleaners used a pH neutral cleaning agent to avoid damages. The stains started disappearing with single abrasion of diamond discs.
- The experts of Manmachine used white buffing discs to shine the Terrazzo tiles after polishing. The bi-weekly steam mopping has kept the floors’ shine intact and prevented staining.
Air-Duct Cleaning:
I was unaware of the true condition of the air-duct until I met the experts of Manmachine Solutions. I thought filtration system of central air-conditioner was enough to keep the pollutants at bay. The robotic inspector of Manmachine proved me wrong with dirt-filled pictures of air-duct.
- This inspection vehicle moved efficiently inside the ventilation ducts and reached the distant parts. It collected dirt samples from the ducts and sent it to laboratory to check for microbial organism. They suggested immediate cleaning of air-ducts after receiving the test result.
- This robotic air-duct inspector had a thick dusting brush attached to the front for effective cleaning. This brush dusted the dirt particles present on the inner wall. Its fanning motion also flushed the dusted dirt particles out of the ventilation system.
- The robotic cleaning machine also captured the snapshots of clean air-duct as the proof of its efficiency. It has saved me and my employees from inhaling germ-filled oxygen.
Washroom Cleaning:
The toilet cleaning services of Manmachine Solution is also safeguarding the health of me and my employees.
- I had stained floors and walls in my office’s washrooms. The chemical cleaning solutions provided surface cleaning. I appointed Manmachine’s cleaning-experts for biweekly steam cleaning of the toilets.
- The pressurized jets of steam had removed stains from the walls, floors and toilet bowls after its first application. The biweekly cleanings have kept the washrooms in pristine condition.