Clean Up The Stubborn Parts Of Your House – Marble And Carpet

Flooring is done out of many materials in everyone’s house and most people don’t pay much attention to their floors once it is done. This is what they are doing wrong. In order to clean your house properly, you need to clean up the floors too. Be it carpeted floors or marble floors, cleaning them is a tedious task and having the right technique and ingredients to clean up these parts of the house is equally important.

If you think that just vacuuming your carpet will do the job for you, then you are highly mistaken. Carpet cleaning should be left to the professionals for this reason. Because if you use one wrong chemical, you will risk the aesthetic of your beautiful carpet.


For giving you a sound cleaning of carpets and your floors, there are tons of marble cleaning services in Delhi. There is no company that will provide you with just the marble cleaning service. It either comes as a part of the whole house cleaning process or you can always go for customized cleaning options.

As there are several options in both Delhi and Noida for marble cleaning services, the first thing you need to look for is the type of cleaning you would require. For that, you need to understand what type of cleaning process is great for your marble floor.

Marble floors require a lot of care and they can be easily tarnished if not looked after properly. This is the reason why cleaning your marble floor needs to be cleaned almost everyday. The part of the marble cleaning service is to not only clean the floor but also polish it properly. Also, deep cleanings, scratch removal along with cleaning spillage is what the marble cleaning company will do for you.


They not only clean up the marble floors and the carpeted floors, but they will also provide any knowledge you want to gain on how to clean up the house or marble floors.

There are plenty of carpet cleaning services in Noida that will provide you all the help you need to clean your carpeted floors or just the carpet. They first vacuum the carpets and then used the appropriate ingredients to clean up the carpet. Just dusting off the dirt from your carpet is not called cleaning and you should know this.

The major reason why people are hiring professional help today is because  they are efficient and fast. They won’t disturb your day-to-day routine. Moreover, they charge appropriately. For people who really don’t have the time to clean up their house, professional carpet and marble cleaning services are your best bet.

Just find the most reliable company in your town who have trustworthy workers. The company should be transparent with all the details and also give you the right kind of discounts if you are taking their help multiple times. Be sure to run a background check before settling on any company. Research the entire market before hiring anyone.

A Solution to Cleaning Your Carpets, Tiles and Sofas

Home cleaning is not just moping the floor and removing all the dirt marks. It requires thorough cleaning of every piece of furniture and the carpets. When it comes to cleaning a house, some people go to the extent of removing the carpets and sofa covers to clean them. The tiles show up dirt marks more readily than any part of a house.

So, your house is not completely clean if you have not cleaned the carpets properly and vacuum the sofa. While it may sound easy, cleaning a carpet and sofa are the toughest part of house cleaning services. There are some houses who have their entire floor covered up with carpet and this can only make the job tough. If it is about just one carpet, then you can easily get it dry cleaned but when it comes to carpeted floors, professional help is needed. There are plenty of home cleaning companies that provide you with the option of carpet cleaning services.


It is better to get professional help as these companies have trained workers who know everything about cleaning the carpets and they can do it efficiently and quickly. They also try to stay away from your workspace which means you don’t have to face any disturbance.

Carpet cleaning is essential every once in a while but how frequently you need to ask for their services will depend on the size and quality of the carpet. Carpets tend to attract a lot of dust, grime and dirt. They even retain the bad odor from stains and removing these stains is part of the job of the carpet cleaning companies. They have all the necessary equipment and ingredients to ensure that you get a clean carpet.

Sofa and tile cleaning

Another obvious part of a house is its tiles and the sofa in the living room. The first thing people do when they notice any kind of stain on their sofa is to change the covers. But, that is not what cleans your sofa. You can either clean your sofa yourself, or go for a sofa cleaning service from a professional home cleaning company. They use proper methods and ingredients to clean every type of sofa. The cleaning procedure differs on the basis of the material of the sofa. When it comes to leather sofa, vacuuming is the first step and the conventional water and soap will only damage the leather.

After vacuuming, the stubborn stains or mildew from the sofa are removed using a mild solution of vinegar and water. The advantage of hiring a professional cleaning help is that you won’t ruin up the fabric or leather in the process of cleaning it up.

When it comes to tile cleaning, these companies first inspect the material of the tiles and then start with the cleaning process. They ensure that you get a clean tile or floor that is free of any germ or dirt particles. If you want a cleaner place, then hire the professional help.

Cleaned Floors And Carpets Mean A Clean House

If you just dust off the furniture of your house and clean out the obvious stains and call your home a clean place, then you couldn’t be more wrong. Cleaning a house is more than that and it involves thoroughly cleaning and polishing all the tough corners of your house. The toughest part of a house which looks easier to clean but is not is the floor.

Floor cleaning comes under a different section of many home cleaning services list. This is because it is tougher to clean and the techniques to clean the floor vary depending on the type of the floor which could be anything from granite, tile or even marble. Professional house cleaning services will offer a cleaning option for every type of floor including wooden. Floors also include the part of the house which has been covered by heavy objects like refrigerators and washing machine. The company makes sure that every dirt is cleaned up when they sign on for the job. This is the reason it is advisable to hire a home cleaning service because you will have a tough time moving around these heavy objects.


They also clean up the corridors and entrances of the house along with any stubborn stain or mildew at the corners of the house. When we talk about floor cleaning, one of the most common type of floor is marble. Marble cleaning needs more precision compared to other type of floors as it not only requires moping and sweeping but also polishing and sealing.

After the surface of the marble floor is thoroughly cleaned, it needs to be polished to give it the required luster. But, this is not the end. To seal the luster of the floor, it needs to be covered with the right sealant and all this is done by a professional house cleaning company.


The next part of the floor is the carpet. Many people like to either cover their floors, partially or completely with carpets. Carpeting is done to give a grand and chic look to the house and it is not uncommon for office spaces too. If you want a proper clean up of your house, you need to look for companies that include carpet cleaning in their list too. It is important to clean up carpets because they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful chemicals real quick. They can absorb everything quickly and this includes all the dirt, grime and dust that a carpet is exposed, too.

The professional cleaning services will first remove the carpet from the floor and then vacuum it. After the vacuuming is done, they will use special methods to remove the dirt from the carpet. Carpet shampooing is another part of the cleaning process which has given great results.

And if there is a big blotch of stain right in the middle of the carpet, the cleaning services have that covered too. You just need to state your requirements to them.

The Importance of Housekeeping Services

We live in a dynamic and fast paced world where people are always more concerned about their jobs. However, keeping your house and office cleaning is one thing that you cannot avoid. Even if you are very busy, you need to have everything in place just in case some unannounced guests show up at your place.

And you have to agree that having a clean and properly kept house gives everyone peace of mind. So, to give you the best solution to this problem, you have the housekeeping services. They will keep everything in place and ensure that you house looks well-kept within a few hours of their service. You can find plenty of home cleaning services in Delhi that charge the right amount and will do the job for you. You just need to hire the right housekeeping service and give them all the details of how you want things done.


There are two ways to go about this. You can either hire a full-time housekeeping service which will do the job of cleaning your house regularly or have a thorough clean-up as and when you find it suitable. The latter one is a better option for people who can manage some time to do their household chores and don’t want to engage in the big clean up.

But, if you do decide to hire a full-time maid, ensure that you do so with the help from a competent housekeeping agency. Ask them for the background detail of the maid you are about to hire and also the salary you will have to pay. It is always better to go to a registered home cleaning service in Delhi so that you don’t end up hiring a thief or petty criminal.

The benefits of hiring a housekeeping service or a full time maid is you get convenience and time for yourself and other things. The housemaid can take care of almost everything including laundry and other household chores.

You get time for doing other things in your free time and this gives you a sense of freedom. You get to spend time with your friends, family and children or you can always catch up on the things you love to do.

The greatest benefit of having a full-time maid is that you get a lot of knowledge from them. If they are the right ones, they will have a lot of secret techniques to keep your house really clean and spotless. You can learn a thing or two about maintaining your house from them.

For people who have settled with the option of a housekeeping service few times a year, you have the flexibility to have your house cleaned at the hours you feel possible. However, it is necessary to have a thorough clean-up of your house at least few times a year. This will ensure that there are no breeding ground for germs and other harmful bacteria at the corners in your house. A clean house is the first step to a healthy lifestyle.

Why Hire Housekeeping Services?

When it comes to getting your house cleaned, some people either don’t have the time or they simply don’t like cleaning. You can live in an unclean house but when it is time for guests to come in, you need to tidy up your place. If you cannot put in the efforts to get your place cleaned, then fret not and find the best housekeeping service in your neighbourhood and all your problems will be put to rest.

Housekeeping services have become a thing recently and is a thriving business because people today actually don’t have the time or energy to clean their house or take proper care of it. There are tons of housekeeping services in every city and most of them provide the best services at affordable rates.

The places they will clean and the charge for the entire cleaning will depend on the size of your house and the time you can give them. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind before you zero in on your housekeeping service.


Hiring the professionals

First do a thorough check of your house and make a list of all the places you want to get cleaned and then only you can go to the housekeeping services. There are many companies that will stick to the windows or floors if you want them to. You can hire a company that sends several workers for quick and efficient work.

Search for companies that are bonded or insured because they will take full responsibility if anything goes wrong while cleaning your house.

Asking the companies their quotes before hiring them will help you be clear of how much you will be paying. For this, many companies like to take a tour of the home cleaning and then tell you their quotes. Always go for the companies that charge according to every session or flat rather than hours. If you pay by hours, then the workers will drag on the work.

Ask the company how many days they will take to clean up your whole house. There are many types of housekeeping services available.

  • De-cluttering is needed if you are not organized and your whole place looks like a garbage bin. The charge for de-cluttering your space is minimal and within a couple of hours, the housekeeping company will do their job.
  • Only moping and dusting the place is also a part of their service. If you don’t want to get your house cleaned up, then this is the best option for you. The housekeeping company will take clean up the floors and dust your furniture.
  • Complete cleaning of your house will take a couple of days but it will be worth it as the company will clean up your kitchen and bathrooms and every possible nook and corner of your house to shine it amazingly.

So, if you are looking for a simpler way to get your house cleaned, then we just gave you one.

Why the Need for Robotic Air Duct Cleaning services?

Air ducts allow ventilation in the rooms and play a pivotal role in the heating and cooling systems. With time, air ducts get dirty and therefore it is logical to clean them. However, cleaning them is not easy and you would require assistance from professional Home Cleaning Services that use automated cleaning technique such as the Robotic Air Duct cleaning services. Let us read further to find out more.


What is Robotic Air Duct Cleaning services?

Robotic Air Duct Cleaning kit comprises of a control and monitoring system paired with different types and lengths of brushes. The system first inspects the cleaning zones in the air ducts, then it uses the brush accessory to extract the dust. Post the thorough extraction of dust, the robotic arm uses the sanitation equipments filled with anti-microbial solutions to clean the duct interiors, thus removing germs thriving in them; leaving the air clean to breathe and circulate.

The multi-purpose Robotic Air Duct cleaning vehicle can be configured to perform the cleaning operations by mounting automated vertical or horizontal rotary brushes or pressured air nozzles. The features of this product include remote controlled brushes with variable speeds up to 800 rpm, the equipment is mounted with a video camera in the front and at the back to provide real-time monitoring during the cleaning process. The operational speed of this equipment ranges from 1m per min to 10m per min. The equipment works well for external and internal insulated, square or rectangular air ducts.

Why You should Consider Air Ducts Cleaning?

You should immediately call Housekeeping Services that have mastered the art of Robotic Air Duct cleaning services, if:

  • Air ducts are clogged with large amounts of dust and debris, released into your premises from your supply register.
  • A substantial mold growth in the hard surface of the ducts or on the heating and cooling system components is visible.
  • Air ducts are infested with vermin such as insects or rodents.

The Process

The video cameras installed in the front and back of the robotic duct arm inspects and records the interiors of the air ducts. The robot is put in the duct work to travel and document the area in up to 30 metres in a single direction. As it moves around in the duct work, it records the actual interior conditions. The images are transmitted onto a CD, which is used for demonstrating the pre-cleaning conditions and the present scenario. The cleaning video and documentation is presented to the customer or the facility manager. The documented report includes: record forms detailing Robotic Air Duct Cleaning services information, and a CD with recorded highlights of the ventilation inspection and cleaning.

Robotic Air Duct cleaning services are avidly used today for industrial, commercial, and marine ventilation system cleaning. The technology is applicable for business premises and activities that require superior quality cleaning process.

So, what are you waiting for? If you have the need to get the air ducts clean for purer air and improved ventilation, immediately seek the services of a seasoned professional.

Commercial Cleaning and Housekeeping Services

Everybody knows the importance of a clean and hygienic environment, be it your home or office. And, everybody even tries to maintain his or her surroundings clean and spotless but still there are some areas that get ignored. There are places that need professional deep cleaning and this is not what a normal individual can do with his or her daily affairs. However, now there are cleaning service providers in Delhi and NCR that offer professional cleaning services at reasonable rates.

There are corporate, especially in Delhi and NCR, who book such professional cleaning service providers on contractual basis. Leading facility management companies offer eco-friendly office cleaning solutions and charge based on square footage, frequency of cleaning and cost per square foot per month. Such low cost services allow you to save on your valuable time.

Housekeeping Services
Housekeeping Services in Delhi

A clean office certainly means more productivity. Commercial cleaning service companies offer janitorial services that include trash pickup, floor mopping, vacuuming, carpet cleaning, interior window washing, and bathroom maintenance. Nowadays, most of the offices in Delhi and NCR work 24*7 and therefore facility management companies offer flexible scheduling options as per clients’ needs.

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